Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Post WS Funk

I'm looking at my marathon training plan right now and I'm feeling a little inadequate.

The plan is to pace 4 marathons this fall.  Omaha (4:15), Denver (4:10), Kansas City (4:20) and St. Louis (4:00).  So, to hit those times my training plan involves "loose some weight, stupid", "run some hills, stupid", and "find a track, stupid".

I've been doing the "run some hills" part, which is a step in the right direction.

Everything else?  Blah.

I'm just not motivated to train like I need to right now.

I do this after really long races.  I kind of put myself into recovery mode for several months.  School also just started again, which is kinda stressful and time-consuming.

So, I need a goal.  In the winter this year, to kick-off my WS training I did 10-10's, or ten days of ten mile runs (uh, I did 15 one day and 5 another, but you get the point).  That worked pretty well, so I'll try it again.  This time I'm just going to shoot for 100 miles in ten days.  So, by next Thursday, the 11th, I should have covered 100 miles on foot.

Just like that, the funk is gone.


Sam said...

How about some speed work Sunday morning to kick you in the ass?

8x400s will get you 4 mi without warm up or cool down.

Jannick Kjaer said...

Hi Danny,

I am sorry I am leaving a comment, I can't find your email. I am writing you in the hopes that you want to participate in an e-book we are writing about ultra runners.

We want to tap into the collective craziness (we mean that as a compliment:-)) of this community to challenge and inspire other non-runners to make their own life an ever-greater creative expression of their own goals and dreams… without limits.

Progress so far: We have currently contacted more than 250 ultra runners and received more than 60 answers.

We would ask you to answer a question about your experience with ultra running. Please note that these questions are related to your mental state and require that you are able to explain quite specifically what is going on mentally when running.

If you'd like to participate please shoot me an email at dreamit@juliossol.com.


All the best,